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Тучин В. В. ОПТИЧЕСКАЯ БИОМЕДИЦИНСКАЯ ДИАГНОСТИКА // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Физика. 2005. Т. 5, вып. 1. С. 39-?.

Язык публикации: 


В работе представлен обзор работ по оптической медицинской диагностике. Кратко обсуждается история вопроса. Основное внимание уделено рассмотрению современных методов оптической медицинской диагностики, основанных на спектрофотометрии, флуоресценции, доплеровской спектроскопии, спектроскопии упругого, квазиупругого и комбинационного рассеяния, а также на использовании оптотермического и оптоакустических эффектов.
1. Chance В. Optical method // Arm. Rev. Biophys. Biophys. Chem. 1991. V. 20. P. 1-28.
2. Special Issue Honoring Professor Britton Chance / Eds. D. Benaron, I. Bigio, E. Sevick-Muraca, A.G. Yodh // J. Biomed. Opt. 2000. V. 5. P. 115-248; 269-282.
3. Anderson R.R., Parrish J.A., Optical properties of human skin // The Science of Photomedicine / Eds. J.D. Regan, J.A. Parrish. N. Y., 1982. P. 147-194.
4. Duck F.A. Physical Properties of Tissue: a Comprehensive reference book. L., 1990.
5. Medical Optical Tomography: Functional Imaging and Monitoring / Eds. G. Mueller, B. Chance, R. Alfano et al. Bellingham: SPIE Press, 1993. V. IS 11.
6. Selected papers on tissue optics applications in medical diagnostics and therapy / Ed. V.V. Tuchin. Bellingham: SPIE Press, 1994. V. MS 102.
7. Patterson M.S. Noninvasive measurement of tissue optical properties: current status and future prospects // Comments Mol. Cell. Biophys. 1995.V. 8. P. 387-417.
8. Yodh A.G., Chance B. Spectroscopy and imaging with diffusing light // Physics Today. 1995. V. 48. P. 34-40.
9. Das B.B., Liu F., Alfano R.R. Time-resolved fluorescence and photon migration studies in biotnedical and random media // Rep. Prog. Phys. 1997. V. 60. P. 227-292.
10. Special Section on Clinical Near Infrared Spectroscopy/lmaging / Eds. M. Ferrari, D. Delpy, D.A. Benaron // J. Biomed. Opt. 1996. V. 1. P. 361-434; 1997. V. 2. P. 7-41; 147-175.
11. Selected Papers on Optical Tomography, Fundamentals and Applications in Medicine / Eds. O. Minet, G. Mueller, J. Beuthan. Bellingham: SPIE Press, 1998. V. MS 147.
12. Okada K., Hamaoka T. Special Section on Medical NearInfrared Spectroscopy // J. Biomed. Opt. 1999. V. 4. P. 391-428.
13. Tuchin V.V. Tissue optics: Light scattering methods and instruments for medical diagnosis // SPIE Tutorial Texts in Optical Engineering. Bellingham: SPIE Press, 2000. V. TT38.
14. Rodriguez J., Yaroslavsky I., Yaroslavsky A. et al. Timeresolved imaging in diffusive media // Handbook of Opt. Biomed. Diagnostics / Ed. V.V. Tuchin. Bellingham: SPIE Press, 2002. V. PM107. Chap. 6.
15. Cutler M. Transillumination as an aid in the diagnosis of breast lesions // Surg. Gynecol. Obstet. 1929. V. 48. P. 721.
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18. Jobsis F. Non invasive monitoring of cerebral and myocardial oxygen sufficiency and circulatory parameters // Science 1977. V. 198. P. 1264-1267.
19. Jobsis-vander Vliet F.F. Discovery of the near-infrared window into the body and the early development of nearinfrared spectroscopy // J. Biomed. Opt. 1999. V. 4. P. 392-396.
20. Chance В., Williams G.R. A method for the localization of sites for oxidative phosphorylation // Nature (London) 1955. V. 176. P. 250-254.
21. Chance В., Cohen P., Jobsis F., Schoener B. Intracellular oxidation-reduction states in vivo // Science 1962. V. 137. P. 499-508.
22. Chance В., Leigh J.S., Miyake H. et al. Comparison of time-resolved and unresolved measurement of deoxygenation in tissue // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1988. V. 85. P. 4971-4975.
23. Delpy D. Т., Cope M., Van Zee P. et al. Estimation of optical path-length through tissue from direct time of flight measurement // Phys. Med. Biol. 1988. V. 33. P. 1433-1442.
24. Patterson M.S., Chance В., Wilson B.C. Time resolved reflectance and transmittance for the non-invasive measurement of tissue optical properties // Appl. Opt. 1989. V. 28. P. 2331-2336.
25. Jacques S.L. Time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy in turbid tissues // IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 1989. V. 36. P. 1155-1161.
26. Cheong W.-F., Prahl S.A., Welch A.J. A review of the optical properties of biological tissues // IEEE J. Quantum Electr. 1990. V. 26, 2166-2185.
27. Quantitative Spectroscopy in Tissue / Eds. K. Frank, M. Kessler. Frankfiirt am Main: pmi-Verl., 1992.
28. Special Issue on Optical Radiation Technique in Medicine and Biology / Ed. II. Moseley // Phys. Med. Biol. 1997. V. 24. P. 759-996.
29. LakowiczJ.R, Berndt K. Frequency-domain measurements of photon migration in tissues // Chem. Phys. Lett. 1990. V. 166. P. 246-252. 30. Patterson M.S., Moulton J.D., Wilson B.C. et al. Frequency-domain reflectance for the determination of the scattering and absorption properties of tissue // Appl. Opt. 1991. V. 30. P. 4474-4476.
31. Schmitt J.M., Knuettel A., Knutson JR. Interference of diffusive light waves // J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A. 1992. V. 9. P. 1832-1843.
32. Chance В., Cope M., Gratton E. et al. Phase measurement of light absorption and scatter in human tissue // Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1998. V. 698. P. 3457-3481.
33. Parrish J.A., Anderson R.R., Urbach F., Pitts D. UV-A: Biologic Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation with Emphasis on Human Responses to Longwave Ultraviolet. N. Y., 1978.
34. Lakowicz JR. Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy: 2-nd ed. N. Y., 1999.
35. Special Section on Light Scatter and Fluorescence of the Eye Lens / Ed. B.K. Pierscionek // J. Biomed. Opt. 1996. V. 1. P. 241-295.
36. Best J.A. van, Kuppens E.V.M.J. Summary of studies on the blue - green autofluorescence and light transmission of the
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37. Yu N.-T., Krantz B.S., Eppstein J.A. et al. Development of noninvasive diabetes screening device using the ratio of fluorescence to Rayleigh scattered light // J. Biomed. Opt. 1996. V.I. P. 280-288.
38. Denk W. Two-photon excitation in functional biological imaging//J. Biomed. Opt. 1996. V. 1. P. 296-304.
39. Ozaki Y., Medical application of Raman spectroscopy // Appl. Spectroscopy Reviews. 1988. V. 24. P. 259-312.
40. TuA.T. Raman Spectroscopy in Biology. N. Y., 1982.
41. Mahadevan-Jansen A., Richards-Kortum R. Raman spectroscopy for detection of cancers and precancers // J. Biomed. Opt. 1996. V. 1. P. 31-70.
42. Special Section on Biomedical Applications of Vibrational Spectroscopic Imaging / Ed. M.D. Morris // J. Biomed. Opt. 1999. V. 4. P. 6-34.
43. Carden A., Morris M.D. Application of vibration spectroscopy to the study of mineralized tissues (review) // J. Biomed. Opt. 2000. V. 5. P. 259-268.
44. McNichols R. J., Cote G.L. Optical glucose sensing in biological fluids: an overview // J. Biomed. Opt. 2000. V. 5. P. 5-16.
45. Lucassen G.W., Veen G.N.A. van, Jansen J.A.J. Band analysis of hydrated human skin stratum corneum attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectra in vivo // J. Biomed. Opt. 1998. V. 3. P. 267-280.
46. Perelman L. Т., Backman V., Wallace M. et al. Observation of periodic fine structure in reflectance from biological tissue: a new technique for measuring nuclear size distribution // Phys. Rev. Lett 1998. V. 80. P. 627-630.
47. Photon Correlation and Light Beating Spectroscopy / Eds. H.Z. Cummins, E.R. Pike. N. Y., 1974; Photon Correlation Spectroscopy and Velocimetry, N. Y., 1977.
48. Tuchin V. V. Coherence-domain methods in tissue and cell optics // Laser Physics. 1998. V. 8. P. 807-849.
49. Tuchin V. V. Coherent optical techniques for the analysis of tissue structure and dynamics // J. Biomed. Opt. 1999. V. 4. P. 106-124.
50. Special Section on Optical Diagnostics of Biological Fluids / Eds. A.V. Priezzhev, T. Asakura // J. Biomed. Opt. 1999. V. 4. P. 35-93.
51. Special Section on Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedical Science and Clinics / Eds. V.V. Tuchin, H. Podbieiska, C.K. Hitzenberger // J. Biomed. Opt. 1999. V. 4. P. 94-190.
52. Braslavsky S.E., HeihoffK. Photothermal methods // Handbook of Organic Photochemistry / Ed. J.C. Scaiano. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1989.
53. Gusev V.E., Karabutov A.A. Laser Optoacoustics. N. Y., 1993.
54. Tuchin V. V. Lasers and fiber optics in biomedicine // Laser Physics. 1993. V. 3. P. 767-820; 925-950.
55. Heusmann H., Kolzer J., Mitic G. Characterization of female breast in vivo by time resolved and spectroscopic measurements in near infrared spectroscopy // J. Biomed. Opt. 1996. V. 1. P. 425-434.
56. Luo Q., Zeng S., Chance В., Nioka S. Monitoring of brain activity with near infrared spectroscopy // Opt. Biomed. Diagnostics / Ed. V.V. Tuchin. Bcllingham: SPIE Press, 2001. Chap. 8.
57. Matcher S.J. Absolute quantification in tissue near-infrared spectroscopy // Handbook of Opt. Biomed. Diagnostics / Ed.
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