Instructions for authors
Rules for authors that publish articles in the journal "Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Physics"
1. Example of article (download file)
2. Examples of References (download file)
3. Example of pictures and tables (download file)
1. General Information
The journal publishes (in Russian and English):
- the original scientific work in various areas of physical science and its applications (physical-mathematical and technical sciences group of specialties "Physics");
- scientific review and feedback on priority areas of science and high technology (physical-mathematical and technical sciences group of specialties "Physics");
- scientific and methodological materials, contributing to the improvement of the educational process in physical engineering-physical training areas; materials about the achievements of Saratov University in the field of physical education and physical science.
Materials previously published or submitted for publication in other journals will not be accepted.
Recommended volume of the article – up to 25 pages of text, 5 figures and 4 tables. Tables should not exceed 20% of the total volume of the article.
It is necessary to duplicate: the title, initials and surnames of authors, structured, informative abstract (250-600 words), key words, literature list (references). For each author to specify ORCID.
The editorial Board encourages the authors to structure the text using headings. The text should be typed and printed using 1.5 line spacing on A4 paper with margins 2.5 cm, font Times New Roman, font size main text – 14; all manuscript pages should be numbered.
Illustrations and tables are provided in a separate file. Figures should be in TIFF, JPG, CDR, BMP with resolution not less than 300 dpi. The numbering of the sources in the reference list must match the order of reference in the text, references to unpublished works are not allowed.
For publication, you must submit:
- the text of the article, according to the rules of the journal;
- files of text materials in the form of Microsoft Word document doc or Word docx, image files in TIFF format, JPG, CDR, BMP (e-mail address:;
- the direction from the organization (scanned in pdf format).
- text of the article signed by the author (scanned pdf);
- license agreement (scanned in pdf format);
- e-mail addresses and phone numbers of authors.
All manuscripts submitted to the editorial Board and relevant to the journal are peer reviewed, and then the editorial Board takes decision about possibility of their publication in the journal. In the case of a positive decision about the publication the article is subjected to scientific editing.
The publication of manuscripts is free.
Mailing address: 410012, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya St., 83, journal "Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Physics", editor-in-chief.
E-mail address:
The website of the journal:
2. Requirements for registration
2.1. Structure of presentation:
- The title of the work, initials and surnames of authors, place of work (University, postal address), e-mail, abstract, key words. (see Example of article and literature).
2.2. Abstract requirements:
- the abstract should reflect the main thrust of the publication;
- optimal lengh of the article should be 200-250 words.
A high-quality translation of annotations into English allows:
- foreign scholars to familiarize themselves with the content of the article and to determine their interest in it, regardless of the language of the article or lack of its full text;
While considering the article for publication the quality of the English variant of the annotation is assessed. The length of the annotation is 250-600 words.
2.3. References
In the list of references the numbering of references should correspond to the order of reference in the text. References to unpublished works are not allowed. The bibliography should include only cited works.
Examples of references to the literature: [1]; [1, 2, 4]; [1-5].
2.4. Figures and tables
- Illustrations and tables should be submitted in a separate file, in JPG, TIFF, CDR, BMP resolution above 600 dpi;
- figures should be submitted in black and white. It is permissible to use hatching;
- each table should be numbered in Arabic numerals and have a heading that briefly reveals its contents. All columns must have a concise and informative subheadings. The units are specified after the comma;
- each figure and each table in the text must be referenced.
2.5. Other
- manuscripts prepared without adhering to these rules may be returned to the authors without review;
- materials rejected by the editorial Board are not returned.
2.6. Quick publication in the journal " Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Physics»
The journal publishes Rapid Communications – small articles, which have absolute novelty and significance. These articles will be published within a short time after a positive evaluation. The brief is limited to 10 typewritten pages (including figures, tables and references). The language of the manuscripts is English. The structure of the manuscript: title, initials and surnames of the authors, e-mail address of the authors, abstract (100-200 words), keywords, text, Acknowledgements and links to grants, references. Specify ORCHID for eachauthor.