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Hard sphere system upon ideal wall was analyzed using equilibrium statistic physics methods. The integration equation for oneparticle distribution function of coordinate region is received. Resolve of obtaining equation we analyzed. Numerical results illustrating parti cles local relative density depending of distance to the wall are showed.

On the Purpose and Features of the University Education System

The paper discusses the distinguishing features of organization of the educational and scientific work of a modern university. The organizational structure, goals, objectives and key results of the Research and Educational Center «Nonlinear Dynamics and Biophysics» of Saratov State University are presented. The effectiveness of such centers in the implementation of the relationship of fundamental scientific researches and the educational process is substantiated.

Scientific Supervision by Graduate Students: «Internal» and «External» Regulators

About the motivation of graduate students to reflect on their own creative work.

Сommunicative Function of Thesis and Professional Grade of Dissertator

Some recommendations for writing dissertation thesis, that increase its information and communication meaning are suggested.

Main Types of Noises in Electronic Semiconductor Devices

Main approaches to classification of internal electric noises in electronic semiconductor devices have been analyzed. According to each approach classification of electric noises has been given.

Training of Medical Physicists for Clinical Bases in Lomonosov Moscow State University

In article the problem of training of experts in the field of medical physics to work in clinics using at the modern medical equipment for diagnostics and treatment of various diseases, including oncological has been discussed. The experience of training of students and conducting training courses on Department of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University has been given.

Characteristics of Final Qualifing Works by Bachelors, Masters and Post-Graduates

Background and Objectives: The goal of this article is to acquaint for graduates of different levels of the higher education (bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees) with the main documents, which clarified requirements regarding to the writing of the graduate qualification work as well as its abstract.

Basic Chairs: «Relations between Universities And Life»

The article is devoted to the history, experience and results of the 30-year joint organizational, educational, scientific and methodical activity of the Department of Computer Physics and Metamaterials of the Physics Department of Saratov National Research University named after NG Chenyshevsky (SSU) and Saratov Branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after V A. Kotel’nikov of the Russian Academy of Science (SB IRE RAS) within the formats “Chair of SSU – Branch of the Chair in the SB IRE RAS” and “Chair of SSU on the Basis of IRE RAS”.

Derivation of the Thermodynamic Probabilities Using Polynomial Forms

Background and Objectives: A. Einstein suggested at the time that neither the founder of the statistical mechanics L. Boltzmann, nor M. Planck, who has developed the statistical understanding of the entropy of radiation, gave the proper definitions of the thermodynamic probability as a number of equally probable microstates. Meanwhile it was necessary to understand the difference between the Boltzmann’s and Planck’s numbers of microstates.

The Contractual Pedagogical Education at the Physical Faculty of Saratov State University

The development of new legislation for contractual training in Russian universities is being completed. Its goal is to ensure a guaranteed system of training and bringing a specialist to the work in the priority areas of economy and social sphere, including pedagogical activities. The article describes the organizational, educational and methodical actions realized at the Physical faculty of the Saratov University. They provide a cycle of contractual training of a qualified physics teacher from the University admission to graduation from the university and employment.

Communication Theory and Radiophysics (on the Teaching of the Theory of Communication and Information at the Department of Physics)

The paper discusses the improvement of the methods of teaching the courses of the theory of communication and information at Saratov State University by introducing additional sections on the analysis of radiophysical processes in various devices of communication systems. We propose the electrodynamical analysis of wave processes in a fiber optic line, features of the use of new CMOS devices for signal conversion in communication systems and selected schematic solutions.

University Training Competitive Specialists

The article describes the directions of training of competitive specialists at the Saratov State University, related to active involvement of students for research work, innovation and historical and patriotic activities. We present data about regular scientific schools with reports from leading Russian and foreign specialists and on student participation in competitions for grants in the field of applied projects.

Time in Basic Dynamic Equations of Physics

Background and Objectives: It is known that the dynamic equations of motion do not suppress the reverse flow of time. On the other hand, the physical theories of irreversible processes are consistent with the fact that time goes in one direction. This article attempts to find a forbiddance on the inverse of time in the dynamic equations of motion. Methods: Both inversion of time together with momentum inversion and time inversion together with reverse movement along a trajectory in phase space are considered.

The Informational Accompaniment of «Physic» Course for Bachelors

The article deals with the problems of the informational accompaniment of «Physic» course for bachelors.

Abstract of Dissertation: Functions, Structure, Importance

Modern recommendations are given for correct writing an abstract of a dissertation on natural sciences.

Dissertation as a Scientific Narrative

The article draws the attention of the authors of dissertations (undergraduates, graduate students, applicants) to the narrative aspect of the dissertation. Signs of the concept of “narrative” (from the English “narrative” is “story”) can be fully attributed to the dissertation (from the Latin “dissertatio” is “research”). This is already indicated by the source of the term: it comes from the Latin word narrare (“tell”), which is related to gnarus (“knowing something, knowledgeable”) and ignorantia (“ignorance, inexperience”).

Scientific P. N. Lebedev’s School and Saratov University

Some data about the role of scientific school by Prof. P. N. Lebedev in the formation of physical science and physical education at Saratov State University, stages of development of Physics Faculty and anniversary events in 2015 are presented.

Sublimated Photoconductive Films of CdS Type: History and Modernity

Brief history is given of the physical properties study at Saratov University and in the USSR of sublimated photoconducting films of CdS type that plays a prominent role in photoelectric researches, for which the cadmium sulfide served as a model substance. An addition of lead sulfide to cadmium sulfide has increased the speed of photoresponse and the resistance to degradation.

«To Get the Ability to Do the Physical Dimension and Research»: A Centenary of Physical Education and Science in Saratov

Some data on the history of physical education and science in Saratov University for the period 1914–2014 years are presented.

Physical Institute of Emperor Nicholas University in Saratov

The article by Prof. Vladimir D. Zernov from Journal Physical Review (Russia, 1916) is reprinted.
