
Stepanchuk Viktor Petrovich: to the 80th Birthday

This article is dedicated to the 80th birthday of Stepanchuk Viktor Petrovich.

Round Table «Man and Light in Natural and Treatment of the Universe»

Represented work of Round Table «Man and Light in natural and treatment of the universe» on Workshop – History, Methodology and Philosophy of the Optical Education of XII International School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics and Biophotonics, which was of September 23−26, 2008, Saratov, Russia.

Mikhail Arkadyevich Kovner (1910−2006): to the 100th anniversary of the birth

This article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Arkadyevich Kovner.

Round Table «Man and Light in Natural and Treatment of the Universe. II»

Represented work of Round Table «Man and Light in natural and treatment of the universe» on Workshop – History, Methodology and Philosophy of the Optical Education of XII International School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics and Biophotonics, which was of September 23−26, 2008, Saratov, Russia.

Museum of Lecture Demonstrations of Physical Faculty

The article is dedicated to the history of the museum of physical devices, and its role in physical education and the promotion of science and technology among students and schoolchildren.

National Scientific School-seminar «Interaction of Microwave, Terahertz and Optical Radiation with Semiconductor Micro- and Nanostructures, Metamaterials and Biological Objects»

The annual National Scientific School-seminar «Interaction of Microwave, Terahertz and Optical Radiation with Semiconductor Micro- and Nanostructures, Metamaterials and Biological Objects» is held on the basis of Saratov State University.

Vladimir I. Karmilov, Physicist, Innovator and Nikolai N. Semenov’s Countryman, Teacher, Friend

The biography of Vladimir I. Karmilov, physicist, initiator of work on magnetobiology and magnetotherapy in the USSR in the 40–50s of the last century, school teacher and friend of Nikolai N. Semenov, Academician, Nobel Prize for Chemistry, is presented.


There are some data about history of foundation, activity results and trends of development of the chair of solid body's physics at N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University. There is also the characteristic of scientific trends developing by leading chair collaborators, mentioned basic scientific and pedagogic staff achievements.


The data from the biography of the professor V.P. Juze associated with the work in the Saratov State University are presented. It is believed that classic work concerning influence of admixture on the tem perature dependence form of semiconductor electroconductivity belongs to V.P. Juze. The conclusion about V.P. Juze activity connection with the formation of science school on semiconductor physics in the Saratov State University is substantiated.
