
In Memory of Dmitry Usanov (24 July1943 – 5 June 2019)

This article is dedicated to Dmitry Usanov, who suddenly died on June 5, 2019.


Introduction to Volume 10, Issue 1.

Professor Alexander Davidovich Stepukhovich, Organizer of Scientific School of the Chemical Physics in Saratov (To His Centenary)

Outstanding scientist, a brilliant lecturer, witty and kindly man, one of the most beloved and memorable professors of physical department, Alexander Davidovich Stepukhovich in March 2011 would be 100 years old.

55 Years in Science

Fragments of memories about study on the physical faculty of Saratov State University in 1951–1956 and a brief review of scientific activities by the author are presented.

Ordinard Panteleymonovich Kolomiytsev

«Extreme Tonality of the Life» is the slogan of O. P. Kolomiytsev’s biography. He graduated from the physical department of Saratov State University in 1956. Now he is Doctor of Sc., Professor, main scientific specialist of Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation (IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Moscow Region).

The Memory of Maximova Irina leonidovna

The article is dedicated to the memory of Maximova Irina leonidovna, a professor of the department of optics and biophotonics, who passed away on November 8, 2013.

The Memory of Prozorkevich Alexandr Vasil'evich

The article is dedicated to the memory of Prozorkevich Alexandr Vasil'evich, a professor of the Department of General Physics, who passed away on October 15, 2013.

80th Anniversary of the Birth of Professor A. F. Golubentsev (10.07.1933 – 22.08.2003)

Main stages of the biography of Professor Alexander F. Golubentsev are described.

Vladimir A.Gribkov (to the 70th Anniversary from Birthday)

The short biography of the leading expert of Russia in the field of plasma physics and radiation physics, laureate of the state prize of the USSR V.A. Gribkova.


On the Аnalytical Signal and Yu. N. Zajko Article «A History of One "Artefact"»

The erroneous claims, made in the paper [1] (article of Yu. N. Zayko in «Izvestia of Saratov University. New Ser. Ser. Physics». 2012. Vol. 12, iss. 1. P. 3–11) have been discussed.

