Davidovich Mikhail Vladimirovich RussiaSaratovSaratov State University, 410012, Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya street, 83профессорDavidovichMV@info.sgu.ru Author's articles About the Definition of a Nonlinear Inductance in Static and Dynamic Regimes On the Аnalytical Signal and Yu. N. Zajko Article «A History of One "Artefact"» The Conservation Laws and the Densities of Electromagnetic Field Energy and Momentum in Dispersive Media The Graphene Based Terahertz Transistor Why the Refractive Index Couldn't Be Negative Integral Equations for Photonic Crystal Fibers NONSTATIONARY EXCITATION OF OPEN STRUCTURES The Perspective Slow-wave Systems of Terahertz Band for TWT Negative Dispersion, Refraction and Backward Polaritons: Impedance Approach On Conservation Lows for Energy and Momentum in Electromagnetic Field in Media and Under Plane Wave Diffraction on Conducting Plate Disclosure of Objects in Multilayared Media by Waveguide Probe Plasmon-polaritons Along the Asymmetric Hyperbolic Metamaterial