Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Physics. 2014. vol. 14, № 1 File downloaded: 123 times.The number of page views: 261 142014вып. 1Full Text (PDF): 1-2014_fizika.pdf Content Physics Ten G. N., Kadrov D. M., Baranov V. I. Model Potentials of Intermolecular Interaction Pyridine, Skatole and Pyrrole with Water [PDF] 5 Orlova A. S., Bashkatov A. N., Genina E. A., Kolbenev I. O., Kamensky I. D., Kamenskikh T. G., Tuchin V. V. Influence of 40%-glucose Solution on a Human Corneal Structure [PDF] 11 Tishkov A. S., Kamenskikh T. G., Galanga V. A., Bucharskaya A. B., Maslyakova G. N., Bashkatov A. N., Genina E. A., Kochubey V. I., Burov A. M., Tuchin V. V. Optimization of Phacoemulsification in Different Forms of the Cataract in the Patients with Diabetes Mellitus [PDF] 20 Cherkasova O. А., Uglanova V. Z. Ecological Diagnostics of the Safety of Premises [PDF] 25 Dorokhova M. A., Konyukhov A. I., Melnikov L. A., Plastun A. S. Constructive Interference of Optical Solitons in Dispersion Oscillating Fiber [PDF] 32 Litvinenko A. N., Tikhonov V. V. Thermostable Tunable YIG Oscillator [PDF] 35 Berezina M. K., Chernavina M. L., Novoselova A. V., Berezin V. I. Numerical Simulation of Vibronic Spectra for Polyatomic Molecules [PDF] 41 Berezina M. K., Chernavina M. L., Novoselova A. V., Berezin V. I. Temperature Effects in Vibronic Intensity of Absorption and Resonance Fluorescence Spectra [PDF] 46 University chronicle Anikin V. M. «To Get the Ability to Do the Physical Dimension and Research»: A Centenary of Physical Education and Science in Saratov [PDF] 53 Zernov V. D. Physical Institute of Emperor Nicholas University in Saratov [PDF] 59 Golubkov P. V. Konstantin Aleksandrovich Leontiev [PDF] 65 Dmitriev B. S. Petr V. Gulubkov: Pages of Biography in Context of Physical Faculty and University History [PDF] 69 Usanov D. A. The Great Physical Auditorium: the Best of the Best [PDF] 76 Rokakh A. G. The Third Building: Fifties – Early Sixties XX Century [PDF] 77 Appendics Anikin V. M. Dmitry A. Usanov (To the 70-Anniversary from Birthday) [PDF] 79 Anikin V. M. Vadim S. Anishchenko (To the 70-anniversary from Birthday) [PDF] 83 Anikin V. M. Valery V. Tuchin (To the 70-anniversary from Birthday) [PDF] 87 Anikin V. M., Ignatiev A. A., Lyashenko A. V. Problems of Higher Education in Journal «The Heteromagnetic microelectronics»: to the 10th Anniversary from the First Issue [PDF] 91