Maslyakova Galina Nikiforovna RussiaSaratovSaratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, Bolshaya Kazachia st., 112 Saratov, 410012 Russiaзаведующая кафедройпрофессор Author's articles Morphological Changes in Transplanted Sarcoma S45 at Photodynamic Therapy Using Nanocomposites Based on Gold Nanorods Optimization of Phacoemulsification in Different Forms of the Cataract in the Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Morphological Changes in the Internal Organs and Implanted Liver Tumor after Intravenous Injection of Gold Nanorods in Rats with Diabetes and Transplanted Tumor Dynamics of Morphological and Biochemical Changes in Laboratory Animals with Transplanted Kidney Cancer after Intravenous Injection of Gold Nanoshells The Changes of Morphological Indicators of Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood at Long Exposure of Gold Nanoparticles Morphological Changes in the Internal Organs of Laboratory Animals under a Single Administration of Fe Nanoparticles