Cite this article as:

Bucharskaya A. B., Terentyuk G. S., Maslyakova G. N., Matveeva O. V., Navolokin N. A., Dicht N. I., Khlebtsov N. G., Khlebtsov B. N. Morphological Changes in the Internal Organs and Implanted Liver Tumor after Intravenous Injection of Gold Nanorods in Rats with Diabetes and Transplanted Tumor. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 31-37.

616.379-008.64:57.08:577.29:615: 576.6; 576.33: 616-091.8572:616.716.8(571.5)

Morphological Changes in the Internal Organs and Implanted Liver Tumor after Intravenous Injection of Gold Nanorods in Rats with Diabetes and Transplanted Tumor


The effects of gold nanorods on the internal organs and the transplanted liver tumor were studied in rats with simulated alloxan diabetes and transplanted liver tumors after intravenous administration. Assessed morphofunctional changes and biodistribution of gold in the internal organs and transplanted liver tumor. The study found that a single intravenous injection of gold nanorods does not cause significant morphological changes in the internal organs and transplanted tumors in rats with alloxan diabetes and transplanted tumor. There was a significant accumulation of gold in the spleen and liver of animals in all experimental groups.


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