Tuchin Valeriy Viktorovich
RussiaSaratovSaratov State University, 410012, Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya street, 83директорпрофессорtuchin@sgu.ru
Author's articles
- Optical Clearing of Human Eye Sclera by Aqueous 30%-Glucose Solution
- Morphological Changes in Transplanted Sarcoma S45 at Photodynamic Therapy Using Nanocomposites Based on Gold Nanorods
- Influence of 40%-glucose Solution on a Human Corneal Structure
- Optimization of Phacoemulsification in Different Forms of the Cataract in the Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
- Study of Ethanol Impact on the Transepidermal Transport of Indocyanine Green with Backscattering Spectroscopy
- Investigation of Mildronat ® Diffusion in Human Eye Sclera
- Optical Clearing of Cranial Bone by Multicomponent Immersion Solutions and Cerebral Venous Blood Flow Visualization
- To the Jubilee of Alexander Vasil’evich Priezzhev
- Estimation of Glucose Diffusion Coefficient in Human Dura Mater
- Optical Clearing as Method to Increase the Depth of Nanoparticles Detection in the Skin with OCT-Visualization
- The Study of Possibility of Magnetic Microparticle Deposit in Skin at Superficial Application
- Analysis of Fruit Juices Using a Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Waveguides
- Local Cluster Saratov Organized in Framework of the Seventh Framework Programme of Commission of the European Communities «Photonics4Life»
- Visualization of Penetration of TiO2 Nanoparticles into Tooth Tissues Samples Using Optical Coherence Tomography
- Contrasting in Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of Liver by Nanoparticles
- The Study of Nail Bed Microcirculation by Laser SpeckleImaging Technique
- Ballistic Auto-Correlation Interferometry