Cite this article as:

Grigoriev . V., Manturov A. O. Kinetics of Diffusion-limited Elongation of DNA Fragments. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 57-59. DOI:

577.213.44; 577.31; 577.212.3

Kinetics of Diffusion-limited Elongation of DNA Fragments


The numerical model of the elongation kinetics of the single-stranded DNA has been proposed and studied. The proposed model is based on the principles of the phenomenological modelling and implemented as diffusion cellular automata. The analytical and numerical estimates of the elongation reaction rate for different concentrations of nucleotides has been obtained. The possibility of nucleotide binding delays with reducing the concentration of one of the nucleotides in the solution is shown. 


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