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Prohorov M. D., Ponomarenko V. I., Chub R. О. Method for Information Transmission Using a Predictive Model in Coupled Time-delay Systems. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 84-91. DOI:


Method for Information Transmission Using a Predictive Model in Coupled Time-delay Systems


Background and Objectives: The object of our study is a system for secure information transmission based on time-delay generators. The choice of the model is justified by the fact that time-delay systems can be easily realized in experiment and they can exhibit chaotic behavior with a large number of positive Lyapunov exponents (hyperchaos). A transmitter uses the modulation of the delay time of a chaotic generator by a binary information signal. As a receiver, another time-delayed system is used, in which a generalized synchronization between the receiver and transmitter is present in the case of logical 0 transmission, and is absent in the case of logical 1 transmission.

Materials and Methods: The auxiliary system approach is used to demonstrate thatgeneralized synchronization is established between the transmitter and receiver. However, it requires the presence of two identical systems in the receiver. In this paper, a predictive model of the transmitter signal is used to extract a hidden information signal from the signal of the receiver. With a successful choice of parameters of the predictive model, the prediction error is small in the case of logical 0 transmission and is large in the case of logical 1 transmission.

Results: The aim of our study is the selection of parameters for the predictive model to ensure a reliable extraction of the information signal. The predictive model is constructed and the parameters of the secure information transmission system are chosen. The advantages of the proposed communication system over the other information transmission systems are shown. The proposed method of information transmission has an advantage over the auxiliary system method, since it does not require the presence of two identical systems in the receiver.


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