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Baulin S. I., Kartsev V. N., Shantrokha A. V. Modulating Effect of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Hydrogen Sulfide Toxicity. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2010, vol. 10, iss. 2, pp. 41-43.
Modulating Effect of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Hydrogen Sulfide Toxicity
On the basis of experimental investigation it is determined that highfrequency electromagnetic radiation of low intensity has a significant effect on the development of hydrogen sulfide toxicity during the inhalation process. Toxicity parameters reduce by 5–6 times if hydrogen sulfide is exposed to rays. The reduction of gas toxicity is obviously connected with appearance of quasi-stable intermolecular bonds that is the reason of dimer formations.
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