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Kozhevnikov I. O., Mikhailov A. ., Bratashov D. N. Research of the Contact Pads Topology Influence on the Parameters Reproducibility of the Current Oscillations in Mesa-Planar Structures Based on Semi-Insulatinggallium Arsenide. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 51-56. DOI:


Research of the Contact Pads Topology Influence on the Parameters Reproducibility of the Current Oscillations in Mesa-Planar Structures Based on Semi-Insulatinggallium Arsenide


Experimental results of research the influence of the electric field distribution between the pads of mesa-planar resistor structures based on semi-insulating n-GaAs are represented. These influence by changing pads topology (plane-parallel, flat-pointed, counterpointed and concave-pointed) was studied for the current oscillations parameters (the threshold voltage, frequency and amplitude of current oscillations) reproducibility increasing. It was found that the structures with counter-pointed topology metal sites improves the concentration of the electric field at the tip and a narrows the field of current flow, has a highest reproducibility of parameters such as the magnitude of the current oscillations occurrence threshold voltage and the amplitude of oscillation. For structures with a plane-parallel contact form reproducibility of experimental measurements is the smallest due to the high influence of edge effects.


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