Cite this article as:

Medvedev B. A. Round Table «Man and Light in Natural and Treatment of the Universe. III» . Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2011, vol. 11, iss. 1, pp. 67-76.


Round Table «Man and Light in Natural and Treatment of the Universe. III»


Represented work of Round Table «Man and Light in natural and treatment of the universe» on Workshop – History, Methodology and Philosophy of the Optical Education of the XIV International School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics and Biophotonics, which was of Oktober 5−8, 2010, Saratov, Russia. 



Head of the Department of geometry, Saratov state University (SSU), Professor, Dr. Phys.-Mat. science Rosen Victor Vladimirovich;

Head of the Department of philosophy and methodology of science of SSU, Professor, Dr. Philos. Sciences Pozdneva Svetlana Pavlovna;

Professor, Department of philosophy, Saratov state technical University (SSTU), Dr. Philos. science Julia M. Duplinskaya;

Professor, Department of optics and Biophotonics, SSU, Dr. Phys. - Mat. Sciences Ryabukho Vladimir Petrovich;

Head of the Department "Instrumentation" SGTU, Dr. Fiz. - Mat. Leonid A. Melnikov;  

Professor of the chair "Mathematics and modeling" SGTU, Dr. Fiz.-Mat. Sciences Oleg Mikhailovich Parshkov;

Associate Professor of computer physics, Saratov state University, Cand. Fiz-Mat. Sciences Tsoi Valery Ivanovich;

Professor, Department of semiconductor physics, SSU, Dr. Phys. - math. Sciences Roki Alexander G.;

Professor, Department of optics and Biophotonics, SSU, Dr. Phys. - Mat. Sciences Kochubey V. I.;  

Head of the Department of theoretical and mathematical physics, Professor, Dr. Phys. - Mat. Sciences Babkov, Lev M.;

Head of Bio-Photonics & Bio-Medical Imaging, University of Otago, New Zealand, professor Igor meglinsky

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