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Usanov D. A., Anikin V. M. Scientific and Educational Physical Schools in Saratov (on the 80th Anniversary of the Saratov Region). Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 178-190. DOI:


Scientific and Educational Physical Schools in Saratov (on the 80th Anniversary of the Saratov Region)


We present a brief history of scientific-educational schools in physics in Saratov since the founding of Saratov University (1909). Saratov belongs to Russian industrial centers that have extensive experience of research, development of technology of electronic equipment, training for this field of science and technology. The outstanding scientist Peter N. Lebedev was at the forefront of physical education and science in Saratov. Five of his students led by the Master of Physics Vladimir D. Zernov participated in the organization of the Physics Institute of Saratov Imperial Nicholas University, the tenth University of Russia. The article shows the scientific genealogical lines, including (a) vacuum electronics (Peter N. Lebedev – Konstantin A. Leontiev – Vladimir N. Shevchik and Vsevolod S. Stal’mahov – Dmitry I. Trubetskov, Peter N. Lebedev – Konstantin A. Leontiev – Peter V. Golubkov – Venedict I. Kalinin – Grigory M. Gerstein – Vadim S. Anischenko, Peter N. Lebedev – Konstantin A. Leontiev – Peter V. Golubkov – Alexander F. Golubentsev ), (b) solidstate electronics (Vladimir P. Zhuse and Evgeny F.Gross are founders), (c) chemical physics (Nobel laureate Nikolai N. Semenov gave start of its development in Saratov), (d) theoretical physics (Dmitry I. Blokhintsev and Alexander S. Shekhter are founders), (d) optics, laser physics and biophotonics (Mark L. Katz – Valery V. Tuchin). The most important scientific events in Saratov reflecting the achievements of Saratov physicists are following: the 6th All-Union Congress of Physicists (1928) with the participation of the Nobel Prize winners of the future Max Born, Peter J. W. Debye, Paul A. M. Dirac, Nikolai N. Semenov, Lev D. Landau; the Fourth IEEE International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference (IVESC, 2002; the 20th International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology” (2012); the Annual International Symposia and Schools on optics, laser physics, biophotonics “Saratov Fall Meeting” (since 1996).


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