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Babkov L. M., Davydova N. A., Ivlieva-Peretokina I. V. The Influence of Hydrogen Bond on the Structure and IR Spectrum of Triphenyl Phosphite. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 132-139. DOI:


The Influence of Hydrogen Bond on the Structure and IR Spectrum of Triphenyl Phosphite


Background and Objectives: The IR spectra of triphenyl phosphite (TPP) have been measured at temperatures of 12 and 320 K in five phase states: crystalline (monoclinic and hexagonal phases), “glacial”, amorphous and liquid. It is necessary to clarify the effect of hydrogen bonding on the structure and IR spectrum of TPP. Materials and Methods: The IR spectra were measured on the IFS-88 spectrophotometer using the OPUS software. The spectral resolution was 2 cm^(-1). The energies, geometrical structures, mechanical and electro-optical parameters of the TPP H-complex represented by dimer were calculated using the density functional theory method B3LYP/6-31G(d) implemented in the Gaussian 03 program package. Results: The studies indicate the presence of the weak H-bonding С12-Н15 …..О41 between the PO3 group and benzene ring. The energy of the Н-bond is 1.3 kcal/mol. The length of the hydrogen bridge is 2.963 Å. The dipole moment is 4.5 D. The H-bond only affects the vicinity of the hydrogen bridge. Influence of the H-bond is not significant for the frequencies, but the intensities change more significantly. The presence of the H-bond is confirmed by the changes at 715–740, 850–890, 1180–1220, 3020–3080 cm^(-1) regions. Conclusions: Investigations of the measured IR spectra and the results of computer simulation confirmed the presence of weak H-bond in the TPP samples. With its help, conformers are combined into dimers and trimers. The H-bond affects the structure of the conformer fragment P(OС)3 and its spectral characteristics (bands at 715–740, 850–890, 1180–1220 cm^(-1) regions changes) and changes the shape of the band in the region of stretching vibrations of C – H bonds (3020–3080 cm^(-1)) bringing it closer to the experimental ones. The TPP samples at liquid, amorphic, “glassial” states and crystal modifications are a mixture of different conformers and H-complexes with weak H-bond (dimers and trimers). The conformers and H-complexes determine the shape of IR spectra in different phase states.


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