Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Physics. 2009. vol. 9, № 1 File downloaded: 82 times.The number of page views: 111 92009вып. 1Full Text (PDF): 2009_1.pdf Content Physics Davidovich M. V., Stephuk J. V. Integral Equations for Photonic Crystal Fibers [PDF] 3 Tikhonov V. V. The Resonant Mechanism of Excitation Exchange Spin Waves in Layered Monolithic Ferrite-Ferrite Structures [PDF] 17 Zayko Y. N. Signal Propagation in Nerve Fiber [PDF] 33 Scherbakov P. A., Astakhov O. V., Postnov D. E. Complex Waveforms and Synchronization in Functional Model of Vascular Nephron Tree [PDF] 38 El’kin P. M., Shalnova T. A., Grechuhina O. N. Modeling of Structure and Vibration Spectra for Oxygen Substituted Compounds. 1. Spirits [PDF] 53 Chronicle Medvedev B. A. Round Table «Man and Light in Natural and Treatment of the Universe» [PDF] 62 Saliy I. N. Stepanchuk Viktor Petrovich: to the 80th Birthday [PDF] 74