электронная микроскопия

Influence of Argon Pressure on Texture and Microstructure of Cobalt Films Produced by Dc-Sputtering

Background and Objectives: The development of methods of textured Co film formation is of practical interest in the field of creating media with perpendicular recording of information or lateral spin-valve structures. Despite a rather wide study of the growth conditions effects on the microcrystalline structure of sputtered cobalt films, the possibility of changing the texture and microstructure via a change of the gas pressure has not been discussed.

Application of Dynamic Light Scattering and Absorption Spectroscopy to Studies of Systems with Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles + DNA

Background and Objectives: The dynamic light scattering (DLS) method is widely used to evaluate the particle size distributions. However, DLS is not free of serious drawbacks. For a fast approximate estimation of the average size of colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) within the range of 15–100 nm reasonable results can be obtained with using the absorption spectroscopy. We discuss the advantages and drawbacks of DLS, transmission electron microscope (TEM), and absorption spectroscopy in gold nanoparticle sizing.

Dynamic Light Scattering Method in Studies of Silica and Gold Nanoparticles

Background and Objectives: It is well known, that uncritical use of the dynamic light scattering (DLS) method may give unacceptable results for the volume or number distributions of particles as compared with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data. The purpose of this study is to investigate application of the DLS method for determining the size of colloidal silica and gold nanoparticles and to compare results of three methods: DLS, TEM, and absorption spectroscopy (see next paper).