физический факультет



55 Years in Science

Fragments of memories about study on the physical faculty of Saratov State University in 1951–1956 and a brief review of scientific activities by the author are presented.

Ordinard Panteleymonovich Kolomiytsev

«Extreme Tonality of the Life» is the slogan of O. P. Kolomiytsev’s biography. He graduated from the physical department of Saratov State University in 1956. Now he is Doctor of Sc., Professor, main scientific specialist of Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation (IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Moscow Region).

The Contractual Pedagogical Education at the Physical Faculty of Saratov State University

The development of new legislation for contractual training in Russian universities is being completed. Its goal is to ensure a guaranteed system of training and bringing a specialist to the work in the priority areas of economy and social sphere, including pedagogical activities. The article describes the organizational, educational and methodical actions realized at the Physical faculty of the Saratov University. They provide a cycle of contractual training of a qualified physics teacher from the University admission to graduation from the university and employment.

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Saratov State University (1917–1945)

The article systematizes historical data on the opening in 1917 and the subsequent development of the Physics and Mathematics Department of Saratov University during 1917–1945. Professor Vladimir D. Zernov, Master of Physics, a student of the world famous professor of Moscow University Peter N. Lebedev was elected the first Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics on September 5, 1917. The further development of the faculty was held with the participation of leading Russian scientists.

Basic Chairs: «Relations between Universities And Life»

The article is devoted to the history, experience and results of the 30-year joint organizational, educational, scientific and methodical activity of the Department of Computer Physics and Metamaterials of the Physics Department of Saratov National Research University named after NG Chenyshevsky (SSU) and Saratov Branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after V A. Kotel’nikov of the Russian Academy of Science (SB IRE RAS) within the formats “Chair of SSU – Branch of the Chair in the SB IRE RAS” and “Chair of SSU on the Basis of IRE RAS”.

Universal Universant (To the 70th Anniversary from Valery M. Anikin Birthday)

Biographical sketch about V. M. Anikin, dean of the physical faculty of the Saratov State University, head of the department of computer physics and metamaterials on the basis of the Saratov branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after V. A. Kotel’nikov.

Afterword to the Anniversary of the Faculty of Physics of SSU

We present information on the meeting of graduates from physical faculty of Saratov National Research State University, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the faculty. Physical education in the university was formed under the influence of the greatest Russian physicists Peter N. Lebedev and Nikolai N. Semenov, the winner of the 1956 Nobel Prize. Graduates from the faculty of various specialties (on vacuum and solid state electronics, radiophysics, optics, chemical physics, laser physics and biophotonics) celebrated the anniversary of the faculty on February 19, 2016.

Department of Optics and Biophotonics: People and Light

Some pages of history of Optics and Biophotonics Department of Saratov State University are illuminated.

The Faculty of Physics in the XXI Century. To the 70th Anniversary of the Physical Faculty of Saratov State University

Some data on the history of physical education and science in Saratov University for the period 2000–2014 years are presented.
