кинетическое уравнение

Exactly Solvable Model of Instantaneously Switched-On Field In the Kinetics of Vacuum Particle Creation

Exact solutions of the nonperturbative kinetic equations for the description of fermion and boson pair creation in the vacuum are obtained for the case of a linearly polarized instantaneously switched-on electric field. The corresponding momentum distributions are nonintegrable, The renormalized distribution functions are also found. The obtained results can be used as estimates for upper limits of different vacuum pair creation effects in the more realistic case of short electric field pulses.

Vacuum Creation of Charged Particles: Some Integral Relations

Dependence on the wave length and the periodical electric field strength of the densities of particle number and energy of the created from vacuum particle-antiparticle plasma of the fermi and bose types had investigated. Analytical and numerical calculations had fulfilled in the leading approximation for the case of rather small fields in comparison with the Schwinger critical field Ec = m2/e.