phase transition

Phase Changes of Multiferroic Magnetic Materials, Used in External Memory Systems

Background and Objectives: A review of studies on technological bases of multiferroic materials for their possible use in devices for the urgent destruction of information is presented. The analysis of characteristics of materials allows one to specify their phase changes caused by external influences and to investigate the magnetic properties.

Influence of Sm Impurity Atoms on the Switching Effect in Thin Films of GeS

Background and Objectives: Nowadays interest has grown considerably to AivBvi type semiconductor media. Among them there is a special interest to the thin photosensitive films of germanium mono-sulfide. So, GeS thin layers have the ability to contain a large number of lithium ions. Therefore, it is possible to prepare the items: solar cells and super condenser. There are no limitations for practical applications of GeS crystal. Prospects of such semiconductor films are determined by the possibility of holographic recording and effects of switching and memory.