Physical faculty

55 Years in Science

Fragments of memories about study on the physical faculty of Saratov State University in 1951–1956 and a brief review of scientific activities by the author are presented.

The Contractual Pedagogical Education at the Physical Faculty of Saratov State University

The development of new legislation for contractual training in Russian universities is being completed. Its goal is to ensure a guaranteed system of training and bringing a specialist to the work in the priority areas of economy and social sphere, including pedagogical activities. The article describes the organizational, educational and methodical actions realized at the Physical faculty of the Saratov University. They provide a cycle of contractual training of a qualified physics teacher from the University admission to graduation from the university and employment.

Department of Optics and Biophotonics: People and Light

Some pages of history of Optics and Biophotonics Department of Saratov State University are illuminated.

The Faculty of Physics in the XXI Century. To the 70th Anniversary of the Physical Faculty of Saratov State University

Some data on the history of physical education and science in Saratov University for the period 2000–2014 years are presented.

Vadim S. Anishchenko (To the 70-anniversary from Birthday)

A brief scientific biography by Prof. Vadim S. Anischenko, the head of Department of Radiophysics and nonlinear dynamics of Saratov University, is given.

The Third Building: Fifties – Early Sixties XX Century

The author tells about his studies and early years of work at the Physics Faculty of the Saratov University.

The Great Physical Auditorium: the Best of the Best

About the Great Physical Auditorium of the Third building of the Saratov University.

Petr V. Gulubkov: Pages of Biography in Context of Physical Faculty and University History

Pages of the history of Physical Faculty of Saratov State University and memories about professor Peter Vasilievich Golubkov (1899–1973) are presented.

Konstantin Aleksandrovich Leontiev

It is the article by Dr. Petr V. Golubkov from the Journal «PhysicsUspekhi (Advances in Physical Sciences)» devoted to Prof. Konstantin A. Leontiev (1932, vol. 12, pp. 501–505).

Physical Institute of Emperor Nicholas University in Saratov

The article by Prof. Vladimir D. Zernov from Journal Physical Review (Russia, 1916) is reprinted.
