
From Anosov’s Dynamics on a Surface of Negative Curvature to Electronic Generator of Robust Chaos

Background and Objectives: Systems with hyperbolic chaos should be of preferable interest due to structural stability (roughness) that implies insensitivity to variation of parameters, manufacturing imperfections, interferences, etc. However, until recently, exclusively formal mathematical examples of this kind of dynamical behavior were known.

Power Range of Photoneutrons from 209Bi at Е γmax = 12 MeV

On a bunch of brake radiation of the betatron the power range of photoneutrons from 209Bi is measured. Measurements are executed by means of a scintillation spectrometer on the basis of a stilbene crystal with discrimination γ-radiations in an impulse form. The obtained data are compared with known of literature and analyzed on the basis of evaporation model.