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Yerokhin P. S., Utkin D. V., Kuznetsov O. S., Konnov N. P., Aspen N. A. Application of Atomic Force Microscopy for Detection of Influence of Antibiotic Upon the Microbial Cell (on the Model of E.coli and I Generation Cephalosporins). Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 28-33. DOI:


Application of Atomic Force Microscopy for Detection of Influence of Antibiotic Upon the Microbial Cell (on the Model of E.coli and I Generation Cephalosporins)


Alteration of E.coli cell wall caused by Cefazolin-AKOS was observed atomic force microscopy (AFM). Using semi-contact and contact modes the damaging effect of the Cefazolin-AKOS antibiotic was shown after a 30 minutes exposure. The assessment of physical parameters of cell allow to get more detailed information on the effect of antibiotics on microorganisms.


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