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Dmitriev V. V., Makhankov A. V., Panferov A. D., Smolyansky S. A., Yahibbaev R. M. Low-density Approximation in the Theory of Creation the Electron-positron Plasma from Vacuum in Strong Laser Fields. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 5-9. DOI:
Low-density Approximation in the Theory of Creation the Electron-positron Plasma from Vacuum in Strong Laser Fields
Kinetic description of the vacuum creation of the electron-positron plasma under action of the strong electromagnetic fields is considered in two simplest approximations. The results are compared with the numerical solution of the relevant kinetic equation. It allows to select the regions of effectiveness of the introduced methods and to analyse some features of the obtained analytical solutions.
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