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Povarov A. V. Minimal Quark-Lepton Symmetry Model and Its Manifestations at Low Energies. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series Physics, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 201-209. DOI:


Minimal Quark-Lepton Symmetry Model and Its Manifestations at Low Energies


Background and Objectives: The four color symmetry of quarks and leptons predicts scalar leptoquarks along with vector leptoquarks. If the scale of the violation of four-color symmetry is associated with the masses of vector leptoquarks and, as recently shown, can be about 100 TeV, the mass of scalar leptoquarks can be much smaller. Numerical values of additional fermionic mixing matrices were obtained in the study of restrictions on the mass of vector leptoquarks from leptonic decays KL0 and B0, BS0 bosons. The aim of the work is to study how these data on the matrices of additional fermionic mixing can affect the restrictions of the masses of scalar leptoquarks. Materials and Methods: For this purpose, the contributions of scalar leptoquarks to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the magnetic moment of the neutrino are considered. Results: As a result, it is shown that the restrictions on the masses of scalar leptoquarks with an electric charge 1/3 are less than the restrictions from direct searches, for scalar leptoquarks with an electric charge 5/3 do not exceed 1 TeV, and for scalar leptoquarks with an electric charge 2/3 are about several TeV.


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