Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Physics. 2012. vol. 12, № 1 File downloaded: 91 times.The number of page views: 191 122012вып. 1Full Text (PDF): 1-2012.pdf Content Physics Zayko Y. N. A History of One «Artefact» [PDF] 3 Dikov O. V., Savonin S. A., Kachula V. I., Perepelitsyna O. A., Ryabukho V. P. Digital Holographic Interferometry of Microdeformations of the Scattering Objects [PDF] 12 Nechaev V. V., Ziganshina O. D., Suchkova N. K. Calculation of Atomic Integrals with Exponentialy Correlated Functions [PDF] 18 Zayko Y. N. Dynamics of Dual Phase [PDF] 25 Chertilin A. V., Lavkin A. G., Seitalieva R. S., Smolyansky P. I., Smolyansky S. A., Tarakanov A. V. Vacuum Creation of Charged Particles: Some Integral Relations [PDF] 30 Yerokhin P. S., Utkin D. V., Bugorkova T. V., Kuznetsov O. S., Aspen N. A. Current Abilities Investigation Ultrastucture Cells of Microorganisms Using Method Scanning Probe Microscopy [PDF] 33 Neganova A. Y., Postnov D. E. Mathematical Modeling of Endothelium-Induced Smooth Muscle Cell Relaxation [PDF] 37 Yerokhin P. S., Kuznetsov O. S., Konnov N. P., Vidyaeva N. A., Utkin D. V. A Complex Approach for the Study of Biofilms of Microorganisms by Atomic Force Microscopy [PDF] 42 Davidovich M. V. The Conservation Laws and the Densities of Electromagnetic Field Energy and Momentum in Dispersive Media [PDF] 46 Babkov L. M., Davydova N. A., Moisejkina E. A. IR Spectra of Cyclohexanol, Structural-Dynamic Models of Molecule [PDF] 54 Methodical department Grebenyuk K. A. Main Types of Noises in Electronic Semiconductor Devices [PDF] 63 Chronicle Medvedev B. A. Round Table «Man and Light in Natural and Art Treatment of the Universe» [PDF] 66 Zharkov Y. D., Koronovsky A. A., Levin Y. I., Khramov A. E. Department of Electronics,Oscillations and Waves of Saratov State University Celebrates Sixtieth Anniversary [PDF] 77