магнетронное распыление

Influence of Argon Pressure on Texture and Microstructure of Cobalt Films Produced by Dc-Sputtering

Background and Objectives: The development of methods of textured Co film formation is of practical interest in the field of creating media with perpendicular recording of information or lateral spin-valve structures. Despite a rather wide study of the growth conditions effects on the microcrystalline structure of sputtered cobalt films, the possibility of changing the texture and microstructure via a change of the gas pressure has not been discussed.

Magnetic Properties of Textured NiFe(111) and NiFe(200) Films

Thickness dependencies (d м 20–370 nm) of the saturation magnetization 4πМ, the ferromagnetic resonance linewidth ΔH, the coercivity field Hc and the shape of hysteresis loops were investigated for Ni80Fe20 (NiFe) films with (200) texture. The thickness dependencies of magnetic parameters for NiFe(200) films were compared with the dependencies 4πМ(d), ΔH(d) and Hc(d) for NiFe(111) films with strong (111) texture and polycrystalline NiFe films.

Formation of Modified Materials in Flows of Low-temperature Plasma

In this paper the results of experimental studies are presented. The experiments were aimed to synthesis of materials with modified properties. A special technique of synthesis in low-temperature plasma flows allows controlling film material parameters. The possibility to control optical, morphological and electrophysical properties is shown by the examples of ZnO and Si films.

Application of Thin Film Structures Based on Amorphous Silicon for pH Measurements in Solutions

Formation possibility of pH-sensor based on amorphous silicon thin films is shown. The principle of sensor operation is similar to the ionselective field effect transistor. Change of the investigated solution pH leads to change of depletion width and conductivity of amorphous silicon thin film structure.